Showing posts with label antique postcards. Show all posts
Showing posts with label antique postcards. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Potted Babies

What seed did this nursery plant?  Note the late to sprout one in the lower right...

The end of school rush is on for me with the art show coming up.  I've been out of  blogging time for the last few days so I have been posting fun oddball stuff that creeps into my files. This image of potted babies is so riveting I couldn't not collect it.  
I did a search for "surreal french postcards" and found quite a few, though only 3 or so related to horticulture.  Quite a few naked ladies in charming poses in surreal settings, too!

I'm throwing this postcard in because it is too odd to waste.  I might use it with my third graders who are learning about perspective tricks...this one in particular - "stuff far away looks smaller, and you place it higher on the paper" :-)