Saturday, February 8, 2014

Proud Ladies in Their Gardens

I can't resist daydreaming when confronted with an old, evocative photo.  You can almost smell the aroma of the heated foliage in photos from sunny days past.  Old women surrounded by verdancy that mirrors their inner life which still lushly flowers.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Enough with Tomatoes Already!

I am sick of collecting tomato articles from the 1800s.  The fact that I do not have a sunny yard in which to grow heirloom tomatoes has begun to nibble at my spirit as disastrously as a tomato hornworm chows down on your prized plant.  How is it my life path wandered down a vegetable garden barrens?  I just assumed I would have a lush garden and pull a wagon loaded down with squash and tomatoes up to the kitchen door every day!  Like wrinkles, I thought big gardens came with growing older.  Where am I going to gently putter when I am in my dotage for pity sake!? Where is the allotment system when you need it!?    Enough!

Have you read My Life on a Hillside Allotment by Terry Walton?  My car read it to me as I commuted...a vicarious allotment experience. 

Thursday, February 6, 2014

This Is Not a Tomato Blog

All roads lead to tomatoes recently.  I have been hi-jacked by a tomato tangent.  I am fighting to free myself.

These folks are there for you if you need more tomato fun though:

The Amistad Trial and The Tomato Pirates

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Take Two Tomatoes and Call Me in the Morning....

This isn't any different than the nonsense in ads today about this and that new fruit but it is still amusing as fewer constraints are on the language of quackery.   

I realized after reading many "medical uses of tomato" articles, that in 19th century writing liver ailment meant constipated!  Liver ailment indeed...

The Dr. Bennett mentioned was quite a character.  I have a little pile of articles about the man who seems to have been crack-brained opportunist with a huge ego.

Commenting on the 5th point from the above article I say "what...?".  Malaria? 

And if you aren't tired of hearing about the tomato's virtues, the following article from 1834 goes into the details of a gentleman's bowels.

From the New York Farmer. 
Like most persons of studious or sedentary habits, I often am more or less incommoded, and ray health impaired, by inaction of the stomach and bowels, so as to be under the necessity of resorting to medicine, principally cathartics. In order to enable our readers perfectly to appreciate what I am about to say of a remedy, this state of the bowels is always in some degree accompanied with a sense of straitness of the chest, and besides a general uneasiness, and lassitude, yet with the head ache, or some degree of pain in region of the liver. It seems to me a recurrence of those symptoms that accompany attacks of what is called by my physicians, a liver complaint, to which I have lieen a good deal subject. The appetite instead of being keen becomes imperfect, with a peculiar taste of the mouth, as if something was wanting, and in the functions of digestion, to constitute perfect health, for which cathartics are only a temporary relie, fnot a remedy.
The common Tomato, used in making gravy, at once removes this taste of the mouth; in a little time quickens the action of the liver, and of the bowels, and removes all the above noticed symptoms and feelings. I regard it as an invaluable article of diet, or, if you please, as of medicine, or of medical diatetics. With me it has always been my object of solicitude, to find out such diet, as should supersede the necessity of medicine. Except in pickle, which I cannot use, I eat the Tomato in every imaginable mode of dressing, and find it perfectly adapted to my wants. In the hope of being of some use to others, these facts are stated. The Tomato is of great use to me. It is raised with less trouble than any other vegetable that I have any knowledge of. It was first planted six years ago, drops its own seed into the ground, and has produced bushels, every year since, with no other trouble than once digging the same ground, in spring, and one or two hoeings, on a spot of perhaps six feet square. It makes a good pickle, and is raised with one hundredth part the labor and trouble of an equal quantity of cucumbers. But, one other object remains to he stated. I incline to the opinion, though without having yet fully tried it, that the Tomato may be made into a rich sauce, for meat, and be kept through the year, or from season to season of the fruit.* The gravy, I know, even in the hottest weather of summer, will keep perfectly unchanged for several days, in a common open dish in a pantry; and this I know, because, as my cook does not like the article, I have contrived to keep it over, when she neglects my directions. If properly prepared, and bottled, and well corked, it would certainly keep good, in an ice house, or perhaps in a common cellar, or under water, of a low and uniform temperature. At any rate if found to be as useful to others, as it is to me, it will be quite desirable to find out how it may be best preserved for use. As a pickle kept in brine, or vinegar, 1 could not use it, and I am inclined to think that its good qualities would be much diminished, for any one, by this mode of preservation. It seems to me, that, of all the articles of diet, or medicine, that have come to my knowledge, theTomato acts most directly upon the liver, and thus on the bile. Publish this if you please, and let others try it, and make their own observations. I know that several, persons of my acquaintance have derived a like benefit from the use of it.
Constitutionally predisposed to a torpor of the liver, and the abdominal viscera, I have, through life, been subject to the necessity of using cathartics, until having discovered the good effects of the Tomato.  In all cases, except in such above described, my flow of animal spirits have always been uniform, rather abundant than otherwise, sustaining severe mental effort, even to 12 and 16 hours each 24, for weeks in succession, always without other stimuli than ordinary food and drink. Wine never exhilarates, except us it increases my general health; and ardent spirit always depresses the tone of my mind. How far they may be regarded as peculiarities, I know not, but think proper to stute them, for the sake of a clear understanding, and in a sincere desire to be useful to others. I have never known the effect, even in the slightest degree, of any sort of intoxicating drinks. Health exhilarates, and ailments depress my spirits.—When afflicted with inaction of the bowels, head-ache, a bad taste of the mouth, straitness of the chest, and a dull and painful heaviness of the region of the liver, the whole of these symptoms are removed by Tomato sauce; and the mind, in the course of some few hours, is put into perfect tone, like a new violin. The facts certainly merit a narration, and I can but hope they may be of use to many persons. The true plan of life for men of mind, and especially for men of study, and much mental effort is, so to live, as to have our food supply all that is necessary of medicine. A wise man will soon learn to relish what agrees with his temperament, and reject all else, in food and drink. To which I will only add, that much employment of the mind, particularly in men of slow habits of the body, slow action of the bowels, calls for a larger proportion than they generally use, if temperate men, of liquid food or drink.   (Do you believe this man!??...what a self centered idiot!)

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Matilda Brotherline's Tomato Adventure

Matilda was a real little girl who won a prize for her recitation skills in 1828. That is all I found in a quick search. She may have lived in a Frankstown home like the Jacob Lingenfelter family. His house was built in 1824.

Monday, February 3, 2014

The War of 1812 and Tomatoes

The War of 1812  had even more to do with tomatoes, and seeds in general, than one would think!  The article below is an interesting view on how the war effected New Englanders.

The United States relied on Europe for most of its seeds until then. While people gave away seeds, traded seeds and sold their own extra seed stock, large commercial seed producers were more a product of necessity when the government stopped importation and then the  trade embargo of 1807 took effect.  We had some really fast ships that ran the blockades and cleaned up financially when they made it back with goods, but, in general,  the War of 1812 hurt merchants and caused depressions in many coastal towns.

In this illustration the Embargo Act of 1813 is personified by a huge 
terrapin, who seizes a violator of the law by the seat of his breeches.