Sunday, October 1, 2017

1881 - A Little Advice on Saving Flower Seeds

I grew up in a household where grubby seed filled envelopes and twisted bits of tissue were tucked in drawers.  They may have never reached a garden, but my mom and gram couldn't pass up the chance to save seeds that were just "going to waste"...especially when they were from someone else's garden!
Step, E., Bois, D., Favourite flowers of garden and greenhouse, vol. 1: t. 43 (1896-1897) 

1859 - A Seed Saver's Gentle Rant

It's time to look around the garden for flower seeds to save!
The garden. An illustrated weekly journal of horticulture in all its branches [ed. William Robinson], vol. 40: (1891)

Saving Flower Seeds.

Don't forget to save flower seeds, as they successively ripen. 

Many careful and industrious gardeners are annoyed every Spring by thoughtless neighbors coming to beg seeds. 
"I had plenty of flowers last season,'' they each say, "but neglected to save any seed; it was too great a bore to do it; please give me a few of several of the prettiest kinds of flowers, as you have a plenty." 
And so it happens every Spring. Now, the only way to treat such people is to say, "No: save your own seeds; or if too careless or indolent for that, then buy them!"

There are cases, indeed, in which one person may ask for a few seeds of his neighbor; but no one should live by begging. Every person who pretends to have flowers, should make it a regular part of his Summer's business to save seeds for the next year's use.

Some persons keep all their old letter envelopes for gathering seed; others make little paper bags for the purpose. Or, if one docs not choose either of these methods, it is well to have an old newspaper always at hand when walking in the garden, to collect any seeds that may be ripe. Mark the name on the margin of the paper, and lay the seeds away to become thoroughly dry. On rainy days, these may be cleaned of chaff, done up in small packets, and laid away for the season. 

As some of the finest of the late flowers are now ripening their seeds, our advice may be followed to good advantage.

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

1894 - Today's Farm Litho: Bird's Eye View of Burpee Seed Farm

What can make a lithograph more appealing to me?  
Being a bird's eye view of something, that's what!!

It is just so much fun to walk around the farm with those little people.  Enjoy!

 I love the stipling. It can evoke so much detail with a pile of dots and overprinted colors.

Want to see the whole catalog?Burpee's farm annual 1894

Sunday, September 17, 2017

1893 - Lush Lithos in Fall Seed & Bulb Catalog of John Lewis Childs

Join me in luxuriating in the colors and patterns of two of John Lewis Childs magnificent fall seed catalog's lithographs.  I love the way the illustrator had snow and ice in the background, reminding you how much these hyacinth would be appreciated.

1847 - Chinese Tree Corn - A More Positive Comment or Two

I promise this is the last mention of Tree Corn! 

Perhaps it was all a tempest in a teapot, but feelings about whether China Tree Corn was a humbug or not were noticeably varied!  I am including these two positive reports to be fair to the ghost of Grant Thorburn.

from 1854, Documents of the Assembly of the State of New York, Volume 6

Chinese Tree Corn.

This variety was first brought into notice by Grant Thorburn, of Astoria, near New-York, some 12 or 15 years since. The origin of this corn, it is said, was a kernel found in a chest of tea and from that single kernel was propagated. It is a pure white variety; a very handsome ear about ten inches long; ten rows; grains very closely set; long and wedge form, well filled out to the end of the cob; some of the grains slightly indented. 

One peculiarity of this corn is the ears grow on the end of the branches - hence its name, “tree corn”. It is said to yield from one-fourth to one-third more than the common
varieties. When ground into meal it is handsomer and better flavored than other white corn. It is also an excellent variety for making hominy, samp, etc. There are generally two ears on a stalk, and often three; sometimes there have been found four ears on a stalk, although the  last mentioned number is rare.


from The Farmer and Mechanic, Volume 1, 1847

China Tree Corn

The Editor of the Western Farmer and Gardener, in some remarks on this kind of corn, observes that when first known in this country, “it sold for 25 cts. an ear,” and China Tree Corn was all the rage; but in a year or two a change took place, and the rage was then with those who bought it; and had, as they said, been humbugged.

This corn has been raised largely in this country. We remember several years ago, to have seen a large crib full at Mr. James Blake's, of this city, and we have observed frequently in our common corn a large infusion of the blood of the China tree-corn.

— Mr. Foster in the January number of the Tennessee Farmer says, incidentally, that as far south of 40º and below it, it has succeeded well, and very nearly answers the original representations.    
“On soils of a medium quality, it would out yield most varieties. It also made the best and sweetest meal, and the .." would turn out the greatest quantity of fodder, and of the best quality, (owing to its abundance of leaves,) of any corn known.” 
This is important testimony and is the result of several year's trial on the part of Mr. Foster and others. Have our readers made a faithful trial of the variety? There are two reasons for calling attention to it.
1. Large shipments of corn meal are to be hereafter annually made to Europe, and a corn that produces the best meal is of unusual value. 
2. Many have adopted the wise practice of sowing corn broad-cast for fodder. If the China tree-corn has pre-eminent excellencies for this purpose, let it be known.

In regard to the “reasons,” which brother Beecher mentions, we accord to them much weight, and would observe in respect to the first, that the quality of this kind of corn is excellent, although not in our opinion superior to the best Jersey Yellow or Dutton Corn; but in regard to the second reason, for sowing it broad-cast for fodder, on account of its luxuriance and greater quantity of leaves, it has certainly the pre-eminence over any other kind that we have seen; but it has, however, another advantage over other kinds in the sweetness and freshness of its flavor and color, being generally free from the dust and mildew which so frequently affects the leaves of the common field corn. 

But we can recommend the tree corn for still more substantial reasons, than either of the foregoing, as we are conversant with facts, which prove a very decided superiority of this corn, in regard to the extra yield, when compared with that of the various kinds of other northern corn, which are produced in the New England States. 

We know farmers who have particularly and faithfully tried the experiment for several years, and the invariable result has shown an average of 25 per cent in favor of the tree corn, when planted under the same circumstances, and in the same soil. Although originally about two weeks later than the white and yellow flint, by selecting the earliest and ripest ears for seed every season, it is now but a few days, or a week at the furthest, behind the other kinds, in the time of ripening.    

The above experiments were made in Connecticut on soils of a fair quality, with different kinds of manures, &c., &c., and this has been the invariable result. We advise our readers to try for themselves.

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Who Was The Put-Upon Horticulturist, Mr. Bateham?

There is nothing like a good obit to fill you in quickly on a person's life.  Bateham seems a good horticulturist who did a great deal to spread good practices and varieties through his writings and participation in a variety of societies and committees.

[From the Rural New Yorker of August 28, 1880]

M. B. Bateham died, after a lingering illness, at his home in Painesville, Ohio, August 5th, 1880. Long, quite intimately associated together for the advancement of agriculture in our adopted State, the elder is now left to lament the departure of his younger yoke-fellow.

Born among the fruitful gardens of smiling Kent, England, on September 13, 1813, with garden associations and surroundings, it was but natural that when his father migrated to the valley of the Genesee in 1825, and established a market garden at Rochester, New York, the younger Bateham, then 12 years of age, should become imbued with a taste for horticulture that has been the guiding impulse of his life-work. His frequent visits to Rochester in later years, since it has become so famous a horticultural center, must have been very gratifying to our friend, who would there see the abundant fruitage of the good seed he himself had helped to sow in the earlier half of this century.

From the garden the transition was easy and natural to the seed-store, and so we find him as a seedman in 1833. His qualifications as a writer were soon called into requisition, and for five years he was editor of the Genesee Farmer, for a long time the leading agricultural paper, even while the fertile valley was recognized as the Great West, a term which has been widely separated from the Genesee in the later years by the westward march of empire.

Mr Bateham's taste naturally brought him into contact with such men as Elwanger & Barry, and he spent some time in their extensive nurseries, which afforded him a fine opportunity of becoming familiarly acquainted with fruits, and encouraged his love for pomology.
catalog online
After an extensive western tour, chiefly on horseback, and partly undertaken in pursuit of health, Mr. Bateham settled in Columbus in 1845,  and has ever since been a citizen of Ohio. 

There, in the first year of his residence, he established the Ohio Cultivator, one of the first agricultural papers printed in the State. In it he found a good medium for imparting much valuable information, and a means of communication with others interested in rural affairs. His articles on insects and grasses were among the first papers upon those topics that were spread before the farmers of Ohio. In its pages he called upon the fruit-growers and nurserymen to assemble in convention and compare notes and fruits, and from this beginning in 1847 has grown up the State Horticultural Society of to-day—a fitting monument to the memory of its originator.

 From its early organization Mr. Bateham has been its untiring Secretary, always declining proffers of what some might consider the high post of honor as presiding officer. To do, was his choice, and so he preferred to wield the pen to the gavel.  Indeed, it is the mightier implement of the two, and in his hands it was fully and faithfully employed in the diffusion of valuable information among his fellow-men.

A bit of his life is seen in this news article from The Ohio Farmer, Jan 28, 1871.
  I feel for his awful loss of his library!

The numerous friends of Mr. M. B. Bateham, will regret to learn that he met with the misfortune, on the 18th inst, of  having his pleasant residence burned, at Painesville. 
Mr. Bateham, with an anxiety to save all the property possible, came very near losing his life, by the falling through of a floor at the same instant he cleared the building.
But little of the furniture, etc., save that from the lower floor, was saved, and in the loss, Mr. Bsteharn laments parting with a thirty year collection of agricultural and horticultural books and papers. The total loss is estimated at $3,500, insurance covering $1500.
Mr. Bateham writes us, that his little daughter Minnie, who, only the Saturday before, had submitted to a severe surgical operation, for the removal of fragments of dead bones from the limbs and arms, having been for two years a sufferer from necrosis of those members, was not seriously affected by the excitement.

1839 - Tree Corn, Humbug and Gross Imposition!

While I have read some  positive accounts of Grant Thorburn's China Tree Corn, usually commenting on it is a good forage crop in more southern climes due to the extra leaves its suckering habit supplies, most are not positive. 

The following is from 1840, and was in the Genesee Farmer.  Thorburn threw Bateham, owner of the Rochester Seed Store, under the bus in a previous issue.  Mr. Bateham writes a good article that tries to make clear the issue of responsibility for people's dashed expectations for Thorburn's China Tree Corn.

CHINA TREE CORN: And the Rochester Seed Store.

Mr. Tucker–Since my return from England, I have been looking over the Agricultural papers received during my absence, and observe numerous articles on the subject of Thorburn's celebrated China Tree Corn, most of which condemn it as an “imposition,” “humbug,” &c. 

Many of the writers obtained their seed directly from Mr. Thorburn, and of course must look to him for any explanation they may require. But others obtained it through different seedsmen, and seem inclined to suspect them of selling a spurious article for the sake of gain.

In your paper of the 7th of October, is a communication from Syracuse, signed W., and headed “Gross Imposition”. The writer, after stating that he was induced to try the corn from reading Grant Thorburn's glowing account of it, complains that it did not answer the description, and proved inferior to our common varieties.

He then adds:

“We look upon the matter in this section, as a gross fraud practiced upon the public for the sake of gain. The odium at this time is principally attached to Mr. Thorburn, inasmuch as he has the credit of furnishing all the seed; some of which, I am informed, came directly from his store in New-York; most of it, however, that was planted in this vicinity, came thru the ‘Rochester Seed Store,' but was said to be genuine seed from Thorburn's. We look for a satisfactory explanation.”

In the Farmer of November 9th, is a reply to W. from Grant Thorburn himself. But, to me, it is far from being a “satisfactory explanation.” He says, he “thinks W. has not got the true kind,” and then adds, “the seed sold by his sons in New York, Albany and St. Louis, was genuine.”

I am afraid old friend Laurie is becoming rather uncharitable of late, and since he is so free with his insinuations, I shall have to “unfold a tale” which, I fear, will render his defense of but little service to him.

Soon after Mr. Thorburn published his wonderful corn story last fall, I began to have numerous inquiries after the seed. Accordingly, on visiting New York in October, I purchased of Mr. G. C. Thorburn a quantity of the corn, and was informed that his supply was limited and selling rapidly. Soon, after reaching home, this lot was all disposed of, and I sent to Mr. Thorburn and obtained an additional supply.— This was all sold during the winter, and as the spring approached, the demand seemed to increase. 

By this time, I expected to hear that Mr. Thorburn's stock was entirely exhausted, as he had stated that he only raised a small patch of about 200 hills; but to my surprise, I was informed that his supply was still adequate to the demand, although orders poured in upon him from every quarter.

O, rare Laurie Todd, thought I, your corn is certainly “something new under our sun,” and well did you name it “Prolific,” for it seems to possess the miraculous properties of the ancient Widow's oil—the more you draw from it, the more there is left!

Being rather skeptical on the subject of modern miracles, I determined to inquire into the mystery. I then learned that the wonderful “new variety'' was an old acquaintance among the farmers of Long Island, several of whom had cultivated it for a number of years, and were then selling their crops to Mr. Thorburn, to supply the immense demand which he had occasioned.

Supposing I had contributed my share towards the nameless “charitable institutions”, I now purchased a further supply of seed from Mr. G. R. Garretson, of Flushing, which I have the fullest proof was the same in every respect as was sold by Mr. Thorburn. All that was had or sold at the Rochester Seed Store, were the two lots from Mr. Thorburn and one from Mr. Garretson. The following letter was lately received from Mr. Garretson in relation to the seed from him:

Flushing, L. I., Nov. 5th, 1839.  
Dear Sir: In answer to your inquiries about the China Tree Corn, which I sold you last spring, I would state, that it was precisely the same as was advertised and sold by Mr. Thorburn, under the name of “China Prolific Tree Corn.” It was raised by Mr. Jonathan Mingo, of Flushing. Mr. Thorburn purchased some of the same man, and I sold Mr. Thorburn some of the same lot as that sold you.  
Yours, &c. G. R. GARRETSON
Owing to its southern complexion, I always had some doubts of the adaptedness of the corn to this northern climate, and I never recommended it to my customers, any more than to refer them to Thorburn's own account of it, and let them take it on his responsibility alone. My patrons may rest assured that I shall always be ready to give full, and I trust, “satisfactory explanation” of any matters affecting the reputation of the Rochester Seed Store. 

The task of a seedsman is generally a thankless, as well as a difficult and responsible one. And while I do not mean to shrink from any blame or responsibility which justly belongs to me, I cannot consent to become responsible for the statements of every puffing “new variety” monger, who may have a fine patch of corn or potatoes to dispose of; even though the profits are to be given to charitable institutions.

M. B. BATEHAM. Rochester Seed Store, Nor. 25, 1839.

P. S. I am frequently asked, what “charitable institutions” received the donation promised by Mr. Thorburn; and some persons actually suspect that he pocketed the funds. 

But any one at all acquainted with the unimpeachable character of Grant Thorburn, considers that to be an impossibility. The only reason I can give for the non-appearance of any public acknowledgment, is, that it would be offensive to the modesty of the donor, who doubtless wishes to “let his alms be done in secret.” 

Still, as this money was made up of contributions from many who do not think they received an equivalent in return; justice to their feelings renders it necessary and proper that the receipt of the donation should be publicly acknowledged.