
Monday, September 7, 2015

Rambo the Apple! - 1893 - Henry C. Rupp & Son, Cumberland Nurseries, Pennsylvania

This is an interesting catalogue if you like old variety names as much as I do.  There are nice fruits and roses.
The names alone are worth the reading; if you are interested in the fruit or plant, all the better!

I did not find any information about Rupp or his sons yet.   There are quite a few Rupps online, but not this one.   (Larger sized pages are displayed below.)

But, first the Rambo apple history.

  • When chatting about the coddling moth on apples, the writer remembered how keen eyed boys can see what their elders can not!
    "About this matter of sharp juvenile eyesight, we on one occasion came near getting a castigation because we alleged that we saw thousands of little white "snakes" in the vinegar, and could not demonstrate to our elders that they were there. But, to return to our subject, it really does not seem to us that there are more codlings now than there were fifty or sixty years ago, although, in proportion to the population, there must have been a greater abundance of apples then than now. It is also very doubtful to our mind, notwithstanding all the clamor raised against the codling moths, or all the remedies that have been discovered and applied to their destruction, whether their number has been greatly diminished, or, perhaps, ever will be. It seems to us that the remedy is to increase and improve the quantity and health of the apple crop. One discovery we boys made, or thought we made, more than fifty years ago, was that the rambo apples were less infested by the worms than any other variety. We often visited the apple bins in the dark, after we had retired to bed—for they were in proximity to our sleeping apartment up to the holidays at least—and we were always sure to select the rambo bin, because we felt that these might be eaten in the dark without the chances of swallowing worms. And yet the rambo has become obsolete, and in many places entirely extinct, notwithstanding that taking it "all in all," as an eating apple, it never has been superceded. It is true its quality becomes impaired after the month of January or February, but from early autumn up to the Christmas holidays, it was king in our early days. As a culinary fruit the rambo even then was considered inferior to the vandevere or the grindstone, two old varieties that have also become obsolete. The romanite, we thought, also shared in exemption from the codling. We thought the codling more partial to apples of a dryer and more granular texture than the rambo and the romanite."

1880 - The Lancaster Farmer 

  • Charles Downing, in a paper on nomenclature, said:"It has been pretty clearly shown, of late, that the origin of Summer Rambo or Western Beauty, was at Marietta, Pennsylvania, on the premises of John Orosh, about the year H15, and was first called Big Rambo, afterward GrosU, and now is known in most localities in Pennsylvania as SummerRambo and Large Rambo, and in Ohio and other portions of the West as Western Beauty, etc
    "The following are the synonyms in different sections of the country:
    "Summer Ranbo or Western Beauty, Big Rambo, Grosh, Large Rambo, Large Summer Rambo, Grosh's Mammoth, Mammoth Rambo (Ohio Beau'y of some), Musgraves' Cooper, CumminB' Rambo, Pickaway Rambo (French Rambo of some), Naylor Rambo, Sweet Rambo incorrectly.
    "There is another Big
     Rambo, or more properly Hoadley, which was raised by Mrs. Robert Ramsey, of Millbrook, Ohio; fruit of large size, rounder in form than the above, and not as good in quality, but valuable for culinary uses and for market.
    "There is claimed to be two other summer Rambos, one from Pennsylvania and the other from Michigan, which are smaller in size, and better in quality, but there is no positive knowledge of their identity so far as I can learn.

    "The Summer
     Rambo of Cox and Downing, which has for its synonyms Rambour Franc and Rnmbour d'Ete, is the Rambour Franc, a very old foreign variety, ripening in September, and more suited for culinary uses than for the table.
    "Some years since, I received from Andre Leroy, of Angers, trees of Rambour d'Ete, which have fruited several times, and it is quite distinct from any of the above, more oblate and conic in form, tree more spreading, and the fruit a month later in ripening; it is more valuable for culinary uses than for the table."

1878 - Annual Report of the Ohio State Board of Agriculture