
Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Photos of People with Corn Stalks

I tried to think of a title for this post that wasn't so matter of fact, but this is all that came to mind.  In my defense, it is wicked hot in our old elementary school and my brains have simmered all day. 

There is something about tall plants that amuses people.  Corn, hollyhocks, sunflowers and the like attract people when the camera is around like bees are attracted to blossoms!  My husband says if I just planted my favorites he would have to get a ladder to admire the should see my lilies in bloom - over 6 feet high!

Anyway, back to the corn - here are some old photos I gathered off eBay over the years.

Stroudsburg is a borough in Monroe County, Pennsylvania, United States.
It is located in the Poconos region of the state,
approximately five miles from the Delaware Water Gap.

This is too good not to share full size.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Old Photo: Proud Man and his Dahlias

Actually, this is Ross Wallis.
While I haven't a clue who he was yet, he must have loved his dahlias and taken them quite seriously as the Ross Wallis Challenge cup for the highest points in the Dahlia Section is now awarded at the annual Burton & Rossett Horticultural Society Show.
