Monday, March 31, 2014

Medicago orbicularis, perhaps?

Found it!  At least I found "the Snail".  It was known in England so I think it probably is the most likely candidate.  Commonly called the round-fruited medick, it is found all around the Mediterranean.  It is a nitrogen fixing pea clover.   (See yesterday's post.)

 Medicago orbicularis.  Lovely.

Photo by Franz Neidl, from interesting discussion 
in the forum at

The plant has migrated around the globe, with this specimen from a field in Texas.

Now, it could have been the Snail Medick,  Medicago scutellata, (see below) but that plant isn't as "snail-ish" to my eye!  Who ever saw a hairy snail?

Next, the hunt for the Caterpillar plant that was sold with the Snails!  I want to grow Snails, I wonder if J. L. Hudson has the seeds?  Later - Nope, they don't.
I did find a page with great photo documentation of the plant, however, and they do sell seeds...but they are around 15 EU....more than I would want to pay.  Great photos though!

Turner Seeds, Texas, has bushels I think.  In modern trade it is used for land reclamation as it is a nitrogen fixing legume.  It is also commonly called Button Clover nowadays.  

Perhaps Ebay is where to look as the plant is a common "weed" anyone could gather seed from.  In Malta it is within the laws to sell it...and in Texas it is legal.  It sounds like a seed that is in the trade in many places. New South Wales in Australia promotes its use in  pastures.

Well, I checked out Ebay and found nothing.  But somehow I bumped into a set of buttons (button clover search) that I just had to buy!!  They are charming, made from mother of pearl in a crude flower shape. :-) I think they could make a nice necklace, or pin, or...buttons! 

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