
Sunday, March 13, 2016

1896 - A. T. Cook's Cinnamon Vine

This turned out to be more interesting than I thought!!  This vine is handsome, huge and covered with weird little potato like tubers (although I don't know if both male and female plants have them).  Go to the Apios Institute page to see some great photos from several people and their comments.  The large tuber was found by one person at an Asian food store.  

A beautiful and rapid climber possessing the rare quality of emitting from its flowers the delightful odor of cinnamon, and very appropriately called the "Cinnamon Vine." 

The plants are grown from bulbs or roots and are very nice for window ornaments, or out-door culture. They are perfectly hardy; the stem dying down every autumn, but growing again in the spring so rapidly as to completely cover any trellis or arbor very early in the season.  The vines often run 25 feet or more, and when trained over and about a door or window make an ornament much admired: while its many clusters of delicate white flowers sends out an amount of fragrance that is truly wonderful. 

It is easy to cultivate, has no insect enemies, and is not affected by drouth because it roots so deeply.  The tubers are called "Chinese Yams;" (the botanical name being Dioscorea Batatas); they increase in size from year to year, are often two feet long at two or three years of age, and run straight down in deep soil;— flesh whiter than superfine flour and equally as good for table use as the very best potatoes. 

When first introduced the roots sold for $10.00 each. I have now grown this vine for 7 years; and have sent out many to every section of the country, and the only verdict is,—
"One of the most desirable climbers in cultivation." 
J. P. RUNG, Tyrone, Pa., says:—"The vine has grown about eighteen feet, and was very full ol bloom, with a delicious odor, scenting the air for a long distance. The foliage is very much admired." 
J. WILSON. Mechanicsvllle, Pa. Nov. 27th. 1889, writes:—"We think the Cinnamon Vine is one -of the most desirable house plants for winter: it blooms as freely in the house as out doors, and they can be trained over and around a window, and will fill a room with a delightful fragrance in the cold and dreary winter months." 
JAS. E. BADJER; Jr., St. Joseph, Mo., says:—The Cinnamon Vine is a success. From one stem a dozen branches have started, ranging from twelve to twenty feet each, and blooming profusely; very fragrant. 
PRICES OF THE CINNAMON VINE :  Having grown an enormous stock of the finest roots I can this year reduce my former low rates— one-half.   Now is the time to order them. I will mail 5 nice roots or tubers for 25 cents; 12 for 50 cents ; 25 for $1.00; 100 for $2.50, (no order filled for less than 5 roots.)   I pack carefully in boxes, and guarantee safe arrival.

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