Showing posts with label Sturtevant. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sturtevant. Show all posts

Saturday, October 29, 2016

1891 - Stachys to Tomato - Sturtevant's HISTORY OF GARDEN VEGETABLES

 (Continued from page 744, Vol. XXIV., 1890.) 
 Original -
Remember, to see the footnotes to find the books Sturtevant used, go to the link above.  
And when I insert my two cents into Sturtevant's text I try to remember to do it in red type.

Fall has been really busy in the elementary school I teach in as an art teacher.  I was moved to a cart for teaching last year and, while I have my moves down now, it takes much more physical energy and time to deliver the lessons...lately sleeping has been higher on my "to do" list than blogging!!  I still want to finish this series in 2016 though :-)

Stachys. Stachys affinis Vil. 
THIS plant was introduced into cultivation by Messrs. 
Vilmorin-Andrieux et Cie, in 1886. 

The roots are thick and fleshy, and are called useful for pickles, and may be used fried.   According to Bretschneider, the roots were eaten as a vegetable in China in the fourteenth and sixteenth centuries, and are described as a cultivated vegetable by Chinese writings of 1640 and 1742.

It is used as a cultivated vegetable in Japan, and is called choro-gi, and, as Mr. Tamari tells me, it is esteemed.  Pickled the white roots become red.     

Mother Earth News has a slideshow about it.


Sugar Beet. Beta vulgaris var. 

 These are selected forms from the common beet, and scarcely deserve a separate classification. Those figured by Vilmorin are all of the type of the half-long red, agree in being mostly underground, and in being very or quite scaly about the collar. 

The sugar beet has been developed through selection of the roots richest in sugar for seed-bearers. 
The sugar-beet industry was born in France in 1811, and in 1826 the product of the crop was 1,500 tons of sugar.   The formation of the "sugar beet" could not, then, have preceded 1811; yet in 1824 five varieties, the grosse rouge, petite rouge, rouge ronde, jaune, and blanche, are noted, and the French sugar or amber reached American gardens before 1828.  A richness of from sixteen to eighteen per cent, of sugar is now claimed for Vilmorin's new improved white sugar beet. 

The names assigned by Vilmorin to the sugar beet are:
  • France, betteraves a sucre
  • Germany, zucker-rube
  • Flanders and Holland, suiker-wortel
  • Spain, remolacha de azucar, betabel de azucar
  • Portugal, betarava branca d'assucar.

 The discovery of sugar in the beet is credited to Margraff in 1747, announced in a memoir read before the Berlin Academy of Sciences.
 All these images are from Sugar beet seed, history and development, by Truman G. Palmer .

Sweet Cicely.  Myrrhis odorata Scop.

 This aromatic herb can scarcely be considered as an inmate of American gardens, although recorded by Burr in 1863. It has also fallen into disuse in Europe, although yet retained by Vilmorin among garden vegetables. 

In 1597 Gerarde says the leaves are 
 "exceeding good, holsom, and pleasant among other sallade herbes, giving the taste of anise unto the rest." 
In 1778 Mawe records that it is used rarely in England. Pliny seems to refer to its use in ancient Rome, under the name anthriscus. It finds notice in most of the early botanies. 

Sweet cicely or sweet-scented chervil or sweet fern is called:
  • in France, cerfeuil musque, cerfeuil d' Espagne , cerfeuil anise, cicutaire odorante, fougere musquee, myrrhide odorante, persil d'ane de Lobel ; 
  • in Germany, grosser spanischer woldriechender kerbel
  • in Flanders, spaansche kervel ; 
  • in Denmark, spansk kjorvel ; 
  • in Italy, finocchiella or mirride. 
Naturalis Biodiversity Centre, Leyden, The Netherlands

Sweet Marjoram. Origanum sp. 

But two species are enumerated by Vilmorin for European culture, but several other species were formerly grown. The leaves of all are used for seasoning. 

This aromatic herb, a native of Europe, has become naturalized sparingly in the Atlantic states, and is quite variable, affording a dwarf variety to culture. It is supposed to be the Cunila bubula of Pliny, and the Origanum of Albertus Magnus in the thirteenth century. 

It is not, however, indicated as cultivated. 

 It is called "English wilde marjerome" by Gerarde  in 1597, and "wild marjoram" by Ray in 1686, who describes also the dwarf variety.

Hortus Romanus juxta Systema

It is mentioned as cultivated by Mawe in 1778, but not by Bryant in 1783, although a hundred years earlier Meager gives the English name of "pot or wild marjoram" to one of the cultivated varieties, and includes also the "pide", which is probably the variety with variegated foliage mentioned by Burr, who enumerates this species among American garden plants.  Its culture is also mentioned by Worlidge in 1683, who enumerates the partly colored and the white varieties. 

 Common marjoram, pot marjoram, or perennial marjoram is called:
  • in France, marjolaine vivace ; 
  • in Germany, winter-marjoram
  • in Flanders, orego ; 
  • in Denmark, merian ; 
  • in France also, origan
  • in Germany, dosten
  • in Italy, regamo or origano ; 
  • in Greece, rigani or riganon ; 
  • in Telinga, mridu-maruvamu 

Origanum majorana L. 

Zorn, J., Oskamp,  - 1796
 This is the species usually present in the herb-garden. It is supposed to be the amaracus of Pliny, who speaks of it as cultivated.  It is also the marjorana of Albertus Magnus  in the thirteenth century, and is mentioned as cultivated in the early botanies. 

Its modern culture is quite extended, and at Bombay it is considered sacred to Siva and Vishnu. It is said to have reached Britain in 1573, and was a well-known inmate in American gardens in 1806. 

 Sweet marjoram, knotted marjoram, or annual marjoram is called
  • in France, marjolaine a coquille 
  • in Germany, majoran, franzosischer majoran ;
  • in Flanders and Holland, marjolijn;
  • in Italy, maggiorana ;
  • in Spain, mejorana, almoraduj ;
  • in Portugal, manjerona ;
  • in Norway, merian ;
  • in Greece, masouran, mantziourana ;
  • in Egypt and Yemen, mardakusj;
  • in Hindustani, marzanjosh, marwa, nazbo;
  • in Arabic, mirzunjoosh, marda- kusch;
  • in the Deccan, murwa ;
  • in Tamil, marroo;
  • in the Mauritius, marjolaine
Flora Graeca - 1826

Origanum onites L. 

Pliny speaks of this species as called onitin or prasion in the first century, but its introduction to Britain is said to have taken place in 1759. 
It was in American gardens in 1806, but does not appear to have been much cultivated, although recorded by Burr in 1863.

Its name does not now occur in our seed-lists, as it is inferior to the preceding variety. This species has been called pot marjoram, a name which has been applied to the O. vulgare.

Origanum heracleoticum L.

 This species has been identified with the Cunila gallinacea of Pliny.

It is mentioned in the early botanies, and is said to have reached England in 1640, and is recorded in American gardens in 1806. It finds mention by Burr in 1863, but seems now to have disappeared from our seed-lists.

 It is frequently mentioned by early garden writers under the name of winter sweet marjoram, and has a variegated variety.

Sweet Potato. Convolvulus batatas L. 

This widely distributed cultivated plant, originally of South and Central America, had developed many varieties at the period of its discovery by Columbus. Peter Martyr in his second decade, written about 1514, mentions batatas as cultivated in Honduras, and in his third decade he gives the names of nine varieties. 

 In 1526 Oviedo not only mentions sweet potatoes in the West Indies, but says they have often been carried to Spain, and that he had carried them himself to Avila, in Castile. 

 In Peru, Garcilasso de Vega says the "apichu" are of four or five different colors, some red, others yellow, others white, and others brown, and this author was contemporary with the conquest. The "camote" of Yucatan, called in the islands axi and batatas, is mentioned in the fourth voyage of Columbus, and Chanca, physician to the fleet of Columbus, in a letter dated 1494, speaks of ages as among the productions of Hispaniola. 

 In Europe, sweet potatoes are mentioned by Cardan  in 1556, and Clusius, in 1566, describes the red or purple and the pale or white sorts as under culture in Spain, and in 1576 he notes that their culture had been attempted in Belgium. Their mention hereafter in the early botanies are frequent. 

Their culture is noted for Virginia before 1650. In 1750 Hughes  says that at least thirteen sorts are known at the Barbadoes, and Wilkes notes that in the Hawaiian Islands, where the sweet potato had been introduced, there are thirty-three varieties, nineteen of which are of a red color and thirteen white. 

On the Mauritius, Bojer describes the round and long forms, white and purple. At the present time Vilmorin describes two varieties in France, and in 1863 Burr describes nine varieties as in American gardens. Of the varieties now known to me, not one type can be considered as modern in its appearance.

 The sweet potato is called:
  • in France, potate douce, batate, artichaut des Indes, truffe douce;
  • in Italy, patata ;
  • in Spain and Portugal, batata.
Other names have been, in English, in 1597, potatoes, potatus, and potades (Ger.); by Clusius, 1576, batatas, camotes, amotes, and ajes

 Native American names are,
  • in Peru, apichu (Piso. de Vega) ;
  • at Quito, cumar (Markham);
  • in Brazil, jetica (Piso. Marcg.), jettiki (Hans Stade) ;
  • by the Portuguese in Brazil, batata (Marcg.), patattes (Nieuhoff ) ;
  • in Mexico, camote (Unger) ;
  • in Carib, maby (Descourt.) ;
  • in Tupi, hetich (Gray) ;
  • in Tupi-Guarani, yeti (Gray) ;
  • in Yucatan, camote (Port. Voy.) ;
  • in Choctaw, ahe (Gray).
     Other names are,
  • in New Zealand and Otaheite, cumala (Cook) ;
  • in New Zealand, kumara (Wilkes) ;
  • in Malay, ubitora ;
  • Javanese, ubi;
  • Chinese, at Batavia, hantsoa (Nieuhoff);
  • Central Africa, veeazee (Grant) ;
  • East Africa, in Wanika-land, fiasi (Krapf.) ;
  • in the Soudan, dankali, doukali (Heuze).
  • In India, shukar-kundo (Firm.) ;
  • in Bengali, shukar-kundoo-aloo ;
  • in Telinga, chillagada, grasugada (Drury) ;
  • in Hindustani, pendaloo ;
  • in Tamil, sukkaray-vullie;
  • in Ceylon, batala ;
  • in Persian, zardak-lahori ;
  • in Malay, batatas (Birdwood) ;
  • in Japan, imo, kara imo (Thunb.).

Tansy. Tanacetum vulgare L. 

 Tansy is still included in the herb-garden as a condimental and medicinal herb, yet it is very little grown, the wild plant usually sufficing for all purposes, and it very readily becomes an escape, thriving in out-of-the-way places without culture. 

It was formerly in greater esteem than at present.

 In 1633 Gerarde says: 
"In the spring-time are made with the leaves hereof newly sprung up, and with egs, cakes, or tansies, which be pleasant in taste, and good for the stomacke."    

 In 1778 Mawe says:
 "This herb for its economical uses in the kitchen and medicine merits culture in every garden," 
and names for varieties the plain-leaved, the curled-leaved, the variegated-leaved, and the scentless. 

 Both the common and the curled are figured by Dodonseus in 1616, and are mentioned in other botanies of this period. 

It was in American gardens before 1806. 

 Tansy  or tansie  is called :
  • in France, tanaisie, barbotine, herbe amere, herbe aux vers, tanacee ;
  • in Germany, gemeiner rainfarn, revierblume, wurmkraut ;
  • in Denmark, reinfang ;
  • in Italy, atanasia, tanaceto, erba santa-maria ;
  • in Spain, tanaceto

Tarragon. Artemisia dracunculus L. 

 This plant, widely spread over South Russia, was brought to Italy, probably from the shores of the Black Sea, in more recent times. The first mention on record is by Simon Seth, in the middle of the twelfth century, but it appears to have been scarcely known as a condiment till the sixteenth century. 

 The leaves make an excellent pickle, and are sometimes used in soups and salads. 

The flowers, as Vilmorin says, are always barren, so the plant can only be propagated by division. Its culture is mentioned by the botanists of the sixteenth century, and in England by Gerarde in 1597, and by succeeding authors on gardening. Rauwolf, 1573-75, found it in the gardens of Tripoli. In America it is mentioned by McMahon in 1806. 

 Tarragon is called:

  • in France, estragon, absinthe estragon, dragonne, fargon, herbe dragon, serpentine, torgon ;
  • in Germany, dragon, bertram, esdragon, schlangenkraut ;
  • in Flanders and Poland, dragonkruid ;
  • in Denmark, estragon, kaisersalat ;
  • in Italy, dragoncello, targone, serpentaria ;
  • in Spain, estragon ;
  • in Portugal, estragas.

Thyme. Thymus vulgaris L.

 A plant native to the southern countries of Europe, and which has been long cultivated in more northern countries. In English culture it is recorded about 1548, and it is mentioned by Gerarde in 1597, and succeeding authors. 
It succeeds as an annual even in Iceland, and is recorded as grown in the tropical gardens of the Mauritius.  

Three varieties are known:
the narrow-leaved, Thymus vulgaris, tenuiore folio of Bauhin, 1596; 
the broad-leaved, Thymus vulgaris, latiore folio of Bauhin; 1596; 
 and the variegated, Thymus variegato folio of Tournefort, and also mentioned by Bauhin in 1623. 

It was known in American gardens in 1806  or earlier, and the broad-leaved kind is the one now principally grown in the herb-garden for use in seasonings. 

 The common, French, or narrow-leaved thyme is called:
  • in France, thyme ordinaire , faligoide , farigoide, frigoule , mignotese du Genevois, pote, poidlleux ;
  • in Germany, franzosischer thymian ;
  • in Flanders, thijmus ;
  • in Holland, tijm ;
  • in Denmark, thimian ;
  • in Italy, timo, pepolino ;
  • in Spain, tomillo ;
  • in Portugal, tomilho ;
  • in Norway, timian ;
  • in Arabic, hasha ;
  • in Hindustani, ipar ;
  • in India, espar

Thymus serpyllum L. 

This is a very variable plant, occurring wild in Europe, and sparingly naturalized in some localities in Northeastern America. In 1726 Townsend speaks of it in English gardens, but not as a pot-herb; but it is placed among American pot-herbs by McMahon in 1806. At the present time it is occasionally used for seasoning in England. 
In Iceland it is used to give an agreeable flavor to sour milk. 

 Wild thyme or mother of thyme is called also
  • in Britain, fell-a-mountain ;
  • in France, serpolet ;
  • in Germany, qtiendel ;
  • in Italy, sermollino, selvatico, serpillo;
  • in Yemen, saater

Thymus citriodorus Pers. 

 This plant is considered by many botanists as but a variety of the preceding. It was described by Bauhin in 1623, and was in American gardens in 1806. 

The odor of the leaves is quite agreeable, and it is thought to be a desirable seasoning for veal. Lemon thyme is the thyme citronne of the French.

Tomato. Lycopersicum sp. 

 The earliest mention I find of tomatoes is by Matthiolus in 1554, who calls them pomi d'oro, and says they have but recently appeared [in Italy]. In 1570, Pena and Lobel  give the name gold apple in the German, Belgian, French, and English languages, which indicates their presence in those countries at this date. 

 In 1578 Lyte says in England they are only grown in the gardens of "Herboristes".  Camerarius in his Epitome, 1586, gives the French name of pommes d'amours, (below) which corresponds to Lyte's amorous apples; and in his Hortus Medicus, 1588, gives the names as pomum Indum, and the foreign name of tumatle ex Peruviana; but Guilandinus of Padua in 1572 had the name tumatle americanorum, and Anguillara in 1561 names them poma Peruviana.  In Hernandez's history of Nova Hispania, 1651, he has a chapter on the tomatl; which includes our tomatoes and alkekengis, and in 1658 the Portugese of Java used the word tomatas. Acosta, however, preceding 1604, used the word tomates, and Sloane, in 1695, tomato.   

Both the yellow and the red-fruited are named by Matthiolus in 1554, but the prevalence of the name golden apple in the various languages would indicate that this was the color most generally distributed. The shades are given as golden by Matthiolus 1554, ocher yellow by J. Bauhin in 1651, and deep orange by Bryant in 1783. 

I give only the first authors when the color is mentioned, and do not follow with succeeding authors, who are many. 

  • The red color is noted by Matthiolus, 1554, 
  • the pale-red by Tournefort in 1700, 
  • and the purple-red in the Adversaria, 1570. 
  • The white-fruited is named by Lyte in 1578, by Bauhin in 1596, etc. 
  • The versicolored by J. Bauhin in 1651. 
  • The bronze-leaved is indicated in Blackwell's Herbarium, 1750.

     (This is an excerpt from Herbarium Blackwellianum emendatum et auctum, id est Elisabethae Blackwell, added to illustrate the amount of work Sturtevant did to present this "in a nutshell" history.)

The cultivated species, following Dunal, are 

  • Lycopersicum pimpinellifolium L., 
  • L. pyriforme L., L. humboldtii L.,
  • L. cerasiforme L., and 
  • L. esculentum L.    

If these species are well founded, then it seems as if an additional species should be formed which would include our globular, smooth, unribbed sorts, and this we must do if we would follow out the history of the varieties. 


Lycopersicum esculentum Dun. 
 This is the common species, with flattened and more or less ribbed fruit, and is the kind first introduced into European culture, being described in the Adversaria of 1570, as well as by many succeeding authors, and the earlier figures indicate that it has changed but little under culture, and was early known as now in red, golden, yellow, and white varieties, and a parti-colored fruit is mentioned by J. Bauhin in 1651, and the type of the bronze-leaved by Blackwell in 1770. 
It was probably the kind mentioned by Jefferson as cultivated in Virginia in 1781, as it was the kind whose introduction into general culture is noted from 1806 to about 1830, when their growing was becoming general. 
 It has the following synonymy, gained from figures :

  • Common Large Red. Mawe, 1778.
  • Poma amoris, an Glaucium Diosc. Lob. obs., 1576, 140.
  • Poma amoris. Lyte's Dod., 1578, 440. Cam. Epit, 1586, 821 ; Ger., 1597, 275; Swert, 1654, t. 20, p. 2.
  • Poma aurea. Lugd., 1587, 628.
  • Poma amoris , pomum aureum. Lob. ic, 1591, I., 270.
  • Solanum pomiferum, fructu rotunda, molli. Matth. op., 1598,
  • Poma amoris fructu luteo et rubro. Hort. Eyst, 1613 ; 1713.
  • Aurea mala. Dod., 1616, 458 ; 1583, 455.
  • Pomi d'oro. Cast. Dur., 1617, 372.
  • Pomum amoris majus. Park. Par., 1929, 381, f. 3.
  • Amoris pomum. Blackw., 1750, t. 133.

  • Mala aurea. Chabr., 1677, 525. J. B., 1650, 3, 620.
Vilmorin Album
  • Solanum pomiferum. (below) Mor. Hist, 1699, 
  • Lycopersicon. Tourn., 17 19, t. 63.
  • Lycopersicon galeni. Morandi, 1744, t. 53, f. 8.
  • Morelle pomme d' amour. Descourt., 1827, VI., 95.
  • Tomate rouge grosse. Vilm., 1883,555. >
  • Large Red. Burr, 1863, 646. 

Solanum pomiferum

In form these synonyms are substantially of one variety. The descriptions accompanying, and others of the same date, mention all the colors now found. 
In 1779 Tournefort names a pale red, red, a yellow, and a white variety in France, and in 1778 Mawe but the common large red in England. In 1854 Brown describes but two varieties, the large red and the large yellow, for American gardens.  The Lycopersicum esculentum L. is said by Bojer to grow spontaneously in the Mauritius [as an escape]. 

 Lycopersicum rotundum

I here place the larger unribbed round or oval varieties which are now becoming popular, and also the fancy varieties known as the plum, but I would not have it understood that at present I consider this group as forming a true species in the botanical sense, for my studies are not yet sufficiently complete. 
Of this group there are no indications of their being known to the early botanists, the first apparent reference I can detect being by Tournefort in 1700, who places among his varieties the Lycopersicum rubro non striato, and this same variety was catalogued by Tilly at Pisa in 1723.  
The non striato, not fluted or ribbed, implying the round form. In 1842 some seed of the Feejee Island variety was distributed in Philadelphia, and Wilkes describes the fruit of one variety as round, smooth, yellow, the size of a large peach, and the fruit of two other varieties as the size of a small egg, but gives no other particulars. This is the first certain reference that I find to this group.  
The large smooth or round red and the small yellow oval tomato of Browne, 1854, may belong here. Here may be classed such varieties as Hathaway's Excelsior, King Humbert, and the Plum, and some of the tomate pomme varieties of the French. 
This form occasionally  appears in the plants from seed of hybrid origin, as when the cross was made between the currant and the tree tomato, some plants thus obtained yielded fruit of the plum type. This, however, may have been atavism. The botanical relations seem nearer to the cherry tomato than to the ordinary forms. 

 Lycopersicum cerasiforme Dun. 

The cherry tomato is recorded as growing spontaneously in Peru, in the West Indies,  Antilles,  and Southern Texas. I have also observed it in a railroad cutting in New Jersey.  
It furnishes red and yellow varieties, and was noted in Europe as early as 1623,  and is mentioned in 1783 by Bryant as if the only sort in general culture in England at this time, but Mawe,  in 1778, enumerates the large red, as also the red and yellow cherry, as under garden culture.  
The following is its synonymy, mostly founded on description :
  • Solanum lycopersicum. Bryant, 1783, 212.
  • Solanum racemosum cerasorum. Bauh. Pin., 1623, 167 ; Prod.,1671, go.
  • Solatium amoris minus, S. mala cethiopica parva. Park. Par. 1629, 379-
  • Cujus fructus plane similis erat, magnitudine, figura, colore, Strychnodendro, etc. Recchius Notes, Hernand., 165 1, 296.
  • Fructus est cersasi instar (quoad magnitudine), Hort. Reg. Bles. 1669, 310.
  • Solanum pomiferum fructu rotundo, molli parvo rubro piano. Ray, 1704, III., 352.
  • Lycopersicum fructu cerasi rubro. To urn., 17 19, 150.
  • Lycopersicum fructu cerasi luteo. Tourn., 1719,150.
  • Cherry-fruited. Mawe, 1778.
  • Cherry. Mill. Diet, 1807; Burr, 1863,649,652.
  • Morelle cerasiforme. Descourt, 1827, V., 279, t. 378.
  • Lycopersicum cerasifolium. Noisette, 1829.
  • Cherry-shaped. Buist, 1851 .
  • Tomate cerise. Vilm., 1883, 559. 
This species is probably the normal form of the tomato of the gardens, to which the other species above given can be referred as varieties.  It is quite variable in some respects, bearing its fruit sometimes and usually in clusters, occasionally in racemes. It is but little grown, and then only for use in preserves and pickles. 

from The Scientist - The three evolutionary stages of tomatoes.
From the left to right: Solanum pimpinellifolium, S. lycopersicum var. cerasiforme and S. lycopersicum.

 (To be continued.)

Sunday, October 2, 2016

1889 - Squash, Pumpkin, and Gourd - Part 18b of Sturtevant's History of Garden Vegetables -

(Continued from page 646.) 
Published August 1, 1889 

Remember, to see the footnotes to find the books Sturtevant used, go to the link above.  

And when I insert my two cents into Sturtevant's text I try to remember to do it in red type.

Mid-September - I broke this original installment of his work into two because, as I viewed the squash section I had the gut feeling I might never finish it!  I guess I did if you are reading this. :-) 
Later in October:  This is not the most organized bit of writing by Sturtevant.  I give links at the end to some modern articles if you want an up-to-date read.   
However, here it is.  Enjoy the pictures!!


The Squash. 

The word squash seems to have been derived from the American aborigines, and in particular from those tribes occupying the northeastern Atlantic coast, and seems to have been originally applied to the summer squash, as by Wood, when he says, 
"In summer, when their corn is spent, isquotusquashes is their best bread; a fruit much like a pumpkin." 
Bourdichon, J., Grandes Heures Anne de Bretagne
The image is identified as depicting Cucurbita pepo subsp. texana.
Roger Williams writes the word 
"Askutasquash, — their vine apples, — which the English, from them call squashes; about the bigness of apples of several colors." 
Josselyn gives also a new form to the word, writing 
"Squashes, but more truly squoutersquashes, a kind of mellon or rather gourd; for they sometimes degenerate into gourds. Some of these are green; some yellow; some longish, like a gourd; others round, like an apple; all of them pleasant food, boyled and buttered, and seasoned with spice. But the yellow squash — called an apple squash (because like an apple), and about the bigness of a pome water — is the best kind." 
This apple squash, by name at least, as also by the description so far as applicable, is even now known to culture, but is rarely grown on account of its small size.  
Van der Donck, after speaking of the pumpkins of New Netherlands (1642—53), adds,
 "The natives have another species of this vegetable peculiar to themselves, called by our people quaasiens, a name derived from the aborigines, as the plant was not known to us before our intercourse with them. It is a delightful fruit, as well to the eye on account of its fine variety of colors, as to the mouth for its agreeable taste 
It is gathered early in summer, and when it is planted in the middle of April, the fruit is fit for eating by the first of June. They do not wait for it to ripen before making use of the fruit, but only until it has attained a certain size. They gather the squashes, and immediately place them on the fire without any further trouble." 
In 1683 Worlidge uses the word squash, saying, 
"There are lesser sorts of them [pompeons] that are lately brought into request that are called squashes, the edible fruit whereof, boyl'd and serv'd up with powdered beef, is esteemed a good sawce," 
and Kalm in his Travels says distinctly that 
"The squashes of the Indians, which now are cultivated by Europeans, belong to those kind of gourds which ripen before any other." 
These squashes of New England were apparently called sitroules by Champlain in 1605, who describes them " as big as the fist." Lahontan  in 1703 calls the squashes of southern Canada citrouilles, and compares with the melon, which indicates a round form. 

These "squashes," now nearly abandoned in culture, would seem to be synonymous, in some of their varieties at least, with the macock of Virginia and the Virginian watermelon described in Gerarde's Herbal as early as 1621. 

The Perfect Gem Squash, introduced in 1881, seems to belong to this class, and is very correctly figured by Tragus in 1552, who says they are called Mala indica, or in German Indianisch opffel, and occur of four colors, saffron yellow, creamy white, orange, and black. He also gives the name Summer opffel, which indicates an early squash, and the names zucco de Syria and zucco de Peru, which indicate a foreign origin. 

To identify this claimed recent introduction as synonymous with Tragus' Cucumis seu zucco marinus may seem rather improbable. The Perfect Gem and Tragus' plant have the following points in common: Fruit of like form and size; so also the leaf, if the proportions between leaf and fruit as figured may be trusted; seed sweet in both; color alike, "Quae Candida foris and quae ex pallido lutea sunt poma."  The plants are runners in both.  


Compare also with the description of the Maycock, and it appears to be the same in all but color. A curious instance of survival seems to be here noted, or else the regaining of a lost form through atavism. 

A careful comparison with the figures and the description given would seem to bring together as synonyms: 

  • Cucumis marinus. Fuchs., 1542,699; Roszlin, 1550, 116. 
  • Cucumis vel zucco marinus. Trag., 1552,835. 
  • Cucurbita indie a rotunda. Lugd., 1587,1., 116. 
  • Pepo rotundus minor. Dod., 1616, 666. 
  • Pepo minor rotundus. Bodaens, 1644, 783. 
  • Cucurbite folio aspero, sive zucchce. Icon., IV., Chabr., 1673, 130. 
  • The Maycock. Ger., 1633,919. 
  • The Perfect Gem, 1881. 

< Cucumis vel zucco marinus
1640; Parkinson, Theatrum Botanicvm: The Theater Of Plants

The distinctions between the various forms of Cucurbits seem to have been kept in mind by the vernacular writers, who did not use the words pumpion, gourd, etc., as synonyms. 

Thus in 1535 Cartier mentions as found among the Indians of Hochelega, now Montreal, "pompions, gourds." 
In 1586 Heriot mentions in Virginia "pompions, melons, and gourds," and Captain John Smith pumpions and macocks; Strachey,  who was in Virginia in 1610, mentions macocks and pumpions as differing. 

"Pumpions and gourds" are named by Smith for New England in 1614.    In 1648, at the mouth of the Susquehanna, mention is made of "symnels and maycocks."

The word squash in its early use, we may hence conclude, applied to those varieties of Cucurbits which furnished a summer vegetable, and was carefully distinguished from the pumpkin.    Kalm in the eighteenth century distinguishes between pumpkins, gourds, and squashes. The latter are the early sorts; the gourd includes the late sorts useful for winter supplies ; and the pompion or melon, the latter name and contemporary use giving the impression of roundness and size ; and Jonathan Carver  soon after gives indication of the confusion now existing in the definition of what constitutes a pumpkin and a squash when he says, "the melon or pumpkin, which by some are called squashes," and he names among other forms the same variety, the crookneck, or crane-neck as he calls it, which Kalm classed among gourds. 

At the present time the word squash is only used in America, with gourds, pumpkins, and marrows being the equivalent English name. The American use of the word is so confusing that it can only be defined as applying to those varieties of Cucurbita which are grown in gardens for table use, while the word pumpkin applies to those varieties grown in fields for stock purposes, and the word gourd to those ornamental forms with a woody rind and bitter flesh, or to the Lagenaria. 

This class of Cucurbits belongs to Cucurbita pepo, Cogn. in in DC. Monog., II., p. 545. 
Other forms distinctively known at present as squashes are added in proper sequence. 
The form of Cucurbit now so generally known as Bush or Summer Squash is correctly figured in 1673 by Pancovius,  under the name of Melopepo clypeatus Tab. 

Historium Plantorum

What may be the fruit was figured by Lobel in 1591, and by Dodonasus in 1616, and similar fruit with the vine and leaf by Dalechamp in 1587, Gerarde  in 1597, Dodonasus in 1616, and by J. Bauhin in 1651. 

By Ray in 1686 it is called in the vernacular "The Buckler or Simnel-Gourd".
 This word cymling or cymbling, in use at the present day in the Southern States for the Scalloped Bush Squash in particular, I find used in 1648 in "A Description of New Albion," but spelled Symnels. Jefferson  wrote the word "cymling."     In 1675, Thomson, in a poem entitled New England's Crisis, uses the word "cimnel," and distinguishes from the pumpkin. 

Whence the origin of the word I find no clue, but it was very possibly of aboriginal origin, as its use has not been transferred to Europe. In England it is called Crown Gourd and Custard Marrow; in the United States generally the Scalloped Squash, from its shape; or locally, cymling or pattypan, — this latter name derived from the resemblance to a crimped pan used in the kitchen for baking cakes. It was first noticed in Europe, so far as I can ascertain, in the sixteenth century, and has the following synonymy: 

  • Cucurbita laciniata. Lugd., 1587, I., 618. 
  • Melopepo latior clypeiformis. Lob., ic, 1591, I., 642. 
  • Pepo maximum clypeatus. Ger., 1597, 774. 
  • Pepo latus. Dod., 16 16, 666. 
  • Pepo latiorus fructus.. Dod., 1616,667. 
  • Cucurbita clypeiformis sive Siciliana melopepon latus a nonnullis vocata J. B., 165 1, II., 224. (First known to him in 1561.)
  • Melopepo clypeatus. Pancov., 1653, n. 920. 
  • The Buckler or Simnel-Gourd. Ray, Hist., 1686, I., 648. 
  • Slimmer Scalloped. This forms belongs to the Cucurbita melopepo, Lin. sp., ed. 2, p. 1435, C.pepo, Cogn., I.e. 

The Bush Crookneck is also called a squash. Notwithstanding its peculiar shape and usually warted condition, it does not seem to have received much mention by the early colonists, and to have escaped the attention of the pre-Linnean botanists, who were so apt to figure new forms.
 The most we know is that Summer Crooknecks appeared in our garden catalogues in 1828, and it is perhaps referred to by Champlain in 1605. It is now recommended in France rather as an ornamental plant than for kitchen use. This form belongs to Cucurbita pepo Naudin, Ann. Sc. Nat., Ser. 4, V., 6, p. 29. 

The Annales des sciences naturelles, Ser. 4, V., 6, mentioned above has some nice illustrations.  Naudin remarks on the extreme variability of the Curcurbita, saying he did not attempt to illustrate all kinds, but rather finding those which had some feature that remained apparent in all variations.  These are the plates.

The Winter Crookneck squash seems to have been first recorded by Ray, who received the seeds from Sir Hans Sloane and planted them in his garden, and this was the variety now known as the Striped.   It has apparently been grown in New England from the earliest times, and often attains a large size.   Josselyn refers to a Cucurbit that may be this, the fruit "longish like a gourd," the very comparison made by Ray. 

1868 - Tilton's Journal of Horticulture and Florist's Companion

Kalm mentions a winter squash in New Jersey called "crooked neck," and Carver speaks of  "crane-necks" being preserved in the West for winter supply. 

A sub-variety, the Puritan, answers to Beverley's description of a form which he calls Cushaw, an Indian name recognizable in the Ecushaw of Heriot, 1586. This form was grown at the New York Agricultural Experiment Station in 1884 from seed obtained from the Seminoles of Florida, and appears synonymous with the Neapolitan, to which Vilmorin applies the French synonym of Courge de la Florida. 
This form of squash belongs to Cucurbita moschata, Cogn., I.e., p. 546. 

The Pine Apple squash, in its perfect form, is of a remarkably distinctive character, on account of its acorn-shape and regular projection. As grown, however, the fruit is quite variable, and can be closely identified with the Pepo indicus angulosus of Gerarde, and is very well described by Ray in 1686.   This variety was introduced in 1884 by Landreth, and, as I am informed, the seed came originally from Chili.  It is a winter squash, creamy white when harvested, of a deep yellow at a later period. It belongs to Cucurbita pepo, Cogn., I.e. 

The Turban squash is easily recognized by its special form, to which it is indebted for its

In France this is classed with the Giravmons, and one of its trivial names is Citroville iroquoise. It is possibly the Chilian mamillary Indian gourd of Molina in 1787, described as with spheroidal fruit with a large nipple at the end, the pulp sweet and tasting like the sweet potato. 

In 1856  Naudin describes Le Turban Rouge, and Le Turban Nouveau du Bresil, the latter of recent introduction from South America.  Its description accords with the Cucurbita clypeiformis tuberoso and verrucoso, seen by J. Bauhin in 1607. The Zapillito, from Brazil, advertised by Gregory in 1880, and said by Vilmorin to have reached France from South America about 1860, resembles the Turban squash in shape. This evidence, such as it is, points to South America as the starting point of this form. It belongs to Cucurbita maxima, Cogn., I.e. 

The squashes of our markets, par excellence, are the Marrows and the Hubbard, with other varieties of the succulent stemmed. 

These found representation in our seed catalogues in 1828, in the variety called Com. Porter's Valparaiso, and which was brought from Chili shortly after the war of 1812. In the New England Farmer, Sept. 11., 1824, notice is made of a kind of melon squash or pumpkin, of moderate size, from Chili, a few seeds being received in Boston, and which is possibly the Valparaiso. 

The Hubbard squash is said by Gregory, its introducer in 1857, to be of unknown origin, but to resemble a kind which was brought by a sea captain from the West Indies. The Marblehead, also introduced by Mr. Gregory and distributed in 1867, is said directly to have come from the West Indies. 

The Autumnal Marrow (syn. Boston Marrow) or Ohio was introduced in 1832, and exhibited at the rooms of the Massachusetts Horticultural Society. 

This class is to be referred to Cucurbita maxima, Cogn., I.e., and does not appear in any of the figures or descriptions of the herbalists, so far as we can ascertain, except as hereinafter noted for Lobel. 

The Pumpkin. 

QI Baishi Pumpkins
The word pumpkin is derived from the Greek pepon, Latin pepo. In the ancient Greek it was used by Galen as a compound to indicate ripe fruit, as  sukuopepona,  ripe cucumber, as also by Theophrestus peponas, and Hippocrates sikuon peponia

The word pepo was transferred in Latin to large fruit, for Pliny says distinctly that "cucumeres," when of excessive size, are called "pepones!

 By the commentators the word pepo is often applied to the melon.  Fuchsias in 1542 figures the melon under the Latin name pepo, German pfeben ; and Scaliger in 1566, Dalechamp in 1587, and Castor Durante in 1617 apply this term  pepo  or  pepon   likewise to the melon. 

The derivatives from the word pepo appear in the various European languages, as follows :

  •  Belgian: pepoenem, Lob. Obs., 1576; pompoen, Marcg., 1648, Vilm., 1883. 
  • English : pepon, Lyte, 1586; pompon, Lyte, 1586; pompion, , Ger. 1597; pumpion, J. Smith, 1606 ; pumpkin, Townsend, 1726. 
  • French: pompons, Ruel., 1536; pepon, Dod. Gal., 1559. 
  • Italian : popone, Don, 1834. 
  • Swedish : pumpa, Tengborg, 1764 ; pompa, Webst. Diet. 

In English the word melon and million was early applied to the pumpkin, as by Lyte in 1586, Gerarde in 1597 and 1633, and by a number of the early narrators of voyages of discovery. 

Pumpkins were called gourds by Lobel in 1586, and by Gerarde in 1597, and the word gourd is at present in use in England to embrace the whole class, and is equivalent to the French courge. 

In France the word courge is given by Matthiolus in 1558, and Pinaaus in 1561, and seems to have been used as applicable to the pumpkin by early navigators, as by Cartier in 1535. 

The word courge was also applicable to the Lagenaria in 1536, 1561, 1586, 1587, 1597, 1598, 1617, 1651, 1673, 1772, and is now shared with the pumpkin and squash in 1883. 

Our earlier travelers and historians often recognized in the pumpkin a different fruit from the courge, the gourd, or the melon. Cartier, on the St. Lawrence in 1584 discriminates by using the words "gros melons, concombres, and courges, " or in a Pliny translation "pompions, gourds, cucumbers." 

In 1586 a French name for what appears to be the summer squash is given by Lyte as concombre marin. With this class we may interpret Cartier's names into " gros melons pumpkins, "concombres" summer squashes, and "courge" winter crooknecks, as the shape and hard shell of this variety would suggest the gourd or Lagenaria.  

In 1586 Heriot, in Virginia, names 
"macokner, according to their several forms, called by us pompions, melons, and gourds, because they are of the like forms as those kinds in England. In Virginia such of several forms are of one taste, and very good, and do also spring from one seed. They are of two sorts : one is ripe in the space of a month, and the other in two months.'' 
Heriot apparently confuses all the forms met with with the macock, which, as we have shown in our notes on squashes, appears identical with the type of the Perfect Gem Squash, or the Cucumis niarinus of Fuchsius. The larger sorts may be his pompions, the round ones his melons, and the cushaw type his gourds, for, as we shall observe, the use of the word pompion seems to include size, and that of gourd, a hard rind. 
Note pumpkin patch in center. Village of Secoton, engraved illustration by de Bry 
accompanying Thomas Hariot's book of 1588, A Briefe and True Report of the New Found Land of Virginia

Acosta indeed speaks of the Indian pompions in treating of the large-sized fruits. 
Capt. John Smith, in his Virginia, separates his pumpions and macocks, both planted by the Indians amongst their corn, and in his description of New England in 1614 speaks of pumpions and gourds. This would seem to indicate that he had a distinction in his mind, and we may infer that the word pompion was used for the like productions of the two localities, and that the word gourd in New England referred to the hard-rind or winter squashes, for Master Graves refers to Indian pompions, Rev. Francis Higginson to pompions, and Wood to pompions and isquouter-squashes in New England soon after its colonization, and Josselyn about the same period names also gourds, as quoted in our notes on the squash. 

Kalm, about the middle of .the eighteenth century, traveling in New Jersey, names "squashes of the Indians," which are a summer fruit, " gourds," meaning the winter crookneck, and "melons," which we may conclude are pumpkins;  Jonathan Carver in 1776 of the melon or pumpkin, called by some squashes, and says the smaller sorts are for summer use, the crane-neck for winter use, and names the large oblong, and in 1822 Woods speaks of pompons, or pumpions, in Illinois, as often weighing from 40 to 60 lbs. 
Géza Peske
(1859 - 1934)

The common field pumpkin of America is in New England carried back traditionally to the early settlement, and occurs under several forms, which have received names which are usually quite local. Such form-varieties may be tabulated alphabetically, as below as taken from Burr : 

  • Canada. Form oblate. 14 in. diam., 10 in. deep. Deep orange yellow. 
  • Cheese. Flattened. 16 in. diam., 10 in. deep. Deep reddish orange. 
  • Common Yellow. Rounded. 12 in. diam., 14 in. deep.  Clear orange yellow.
  • Long Yellow. Oval. 10 in. diam., 20 in. deep. Bright orange yellow. 
  • Nantucket. Various. 18 in. diam., 10 in. deep. Deep green. 
  • The Canada Pumpkin is of an oblate form inclining to conic, and is deeply and regularly ribbed, and when well grown of comparatively large size. It is somewhat variable in size and shape, however, as usually seen. We think we are justified in the following synonymy: Cucurbitcz indiance and peregrines. Pin., 1561, 191. 
  • Cucurbita indica, rotunda. Lugd., 1587, L> 616. 
  • Pepo rotundus compressus melonis effigie. Lob. Obs., 1576, 365; ic, 1 591, I., 642. [f) 
  • Pepo indicum minor rotundum. Ger., 1597, 774.  
  • Pepo silvestris. Dod., 1616,668. 
  • Melopepo. Tourn., 17 19, t 34. 
  • Canada Pumpkin. 
  • Vermont Pumpkin. 
  • Cheese Pumpkin. Fruit much flattened, deeply and rather regularly ribbed, broadly dishing about cavity and basin. Varies somewhat widely in the proportional breadth and diameter. 
  • Melopepo compressus alter. Lob. ic, 1591,1., 643. 
  • Pepo maximus compressus. Ger., 1597,774. 
  • Cucurbita genus, sive Melopepo compressus alter, Lobelio. J. B., 165 1, II., 266. 
  • Large Cheese. Fessenden, 1828; Bridgeman, 1832.
  • Cheese. This variety, says Burr, was extensively disseminated in the United States at the time of the American Revolution, and was introduced into New England by returning soldiers. 
  • Common Yellow Field. Fruit rounded, a little deeper than broad, flattened at the ends, rather regularly and more or less prominently ribbed. 
  • Cucurbita indica. Cam. Epit, 1586, 293. 
  • Melopepo teres. Lob. ic, 1591, 1., 643. 
  • Pepo maximus rotundus. Ger., 1597, 773. 
  • Cucurbita aspera, Icon. I. J. B., 165 1, II., 218. a. Chabr., 1673, 130. 
  • Common Yellow Field Pumpkin. 
  • Long Yellow. Fruit oval, much elongated, the length nearly or often twice the diameter, of large size, somewhat ribbed, but the markings less distinct than those of the Common Yellow. 
  • Cucumis Turcicus. Fuch., 1542,698. 
  • Melopepo. Roszlin, 1550, 116. 
  • Pepo. Tragus, 1552, 831. 
  • Cucurbita indica longa. Lugd., 1587, I., 617. 
  • Pepo maximus oblongus. Ger., 1597, 773. 
  • Pepo majer oblongus. Dod., 1616, 635 ; Bodaeus, 1644, 782- 
  • Cucurbita aspera, Icon. II J. B., 165 1, II., 218. 
  • Cucurbita folio aspero, zucha. Chabr., 1673, 130. 
  • Long Yellow Field Pumpkin. 738 
  • The "Jurumu Lusitanus Bobora " of Marcgravius and Piso would seem to belong here, except for the leaves, but the figure is a poor one.

The Maule seed book for 1906

 These forms we have just mentioned have all that something in their common appearance that at once expresses a close relationship, and to the casual observer does not express differences. 

We now pass to some other forms also known as pumpkins, but to which the term squash is sometimes applied. 

Go to this site for good page on
 another Nantucket Pumpkin!
The Nantucket Pumpkin occurs in various forms under this name, but the form I refer to, and of which I have examined specimens, belongs to Cucurbita pepo, Cogn. 1. c, and is of an oblong form, swollen in the middle and indistinctly ribbed. 
It is covered more or less completely with warty protuberances, and is of a black green color when ripe, becoming mellowed toward orange in spots by keeping. It seems closely allied to the Courge Sucriere du Bresil of Vilmorin. It is not the Cucurbita verrucosa of Dalechamp, 1587, nor of J. Bauhin, 1651, as in these figures the leaves are represented as entire, and the fruit as melon-formed and ribbed. 

In 1884 there appeared in our seedsmen's catalogues, under the name of Tennessee Sweet Potato Pumpkin, a variety very distinct, of medium size, pear-shape, little ribbed, of a creamy white striped with green color, and the stem swollen and fleshy.

 Of its history I have ascertained nothing, but it bears a quite strong likeness in shape to a tracing of a piece of "pumpkin" pottery exhumed from the Western mounds, and sent me by Lucien Carr, connected with the museum at Cambridge, Mass.   In Lobel's history, 1576, and in his plates, 1591, appear figures of a plant which in both leaf and fruit represents fairly well our variety ; and these figures are of interest as being the only ones I have yet found in the ancient botanies which represents a fruit with a swollen herbaceous stem. 

I think I am justified in the following synonymy: 

  • Pepo oblongus vulgatissimus. Lob. Obs., 1576, 365. 
  • Pepo oblogus. Lobel, ic, 1591, I., 641. 
  • Tennessee Sweet Potato Pumpkin. 127 Piso. Hist. Nat. Bras., 1648,44. 

 A quite numerous series of pumpkins are known to our seedsmen's catalogues, and some of a form quite distinct from those here noticed, but I have not as yet sufficiently studied these so as to form an opinion. I think, however, that much may be yet learned through the examination of quite complete sets of varieties within each of the three described species of Cucurbita which furnish fruits for our consumption. 

Notwithstanding the ready crossings which are so apt to occur within the ascribed species, there yet seems to exist a permanency of types which is simply marvelous, and which would seem to lend countenance in the belief that there is a need of a revision of the species, and a closer study of the various groups or types which appear to have remained constant during centuries of cultivation. If we consider the stability of types, and the record of variations that appear in cultivated plants, and the additional fact that so far as determined the originals of cultivated types have their prototype in nature, and are not the products of culture, it seems reasonable to suppose that the record of the appearance of types will throw light upon the country of their origin. 

From this standpoint, we may hence conclude that, as the present types have all been recorded in the Old World since the fifteenth century, and were not recorded before the fourteenth and succeeding centuries, there must be a connection between the fact of the discovery of America, and the fact of the appearance of pumpkins and squashes in Europe. 

The Gourd. 

The word gourd is believed to be derived from the Latin curcurbita, but it takes on various forms in the various European languages. It is spelled gowrde by Turner in 1538, gourde by Lobel in 1576, and gourd by Lyte in 1586. 

In France it is given as courgen and cohurden by Ruellius in 1536, but appears in its present form, courge, in Pinaeus, 1561.   
Dalechamp used coucourde in 1587, a name which now appears as cougourde in Vilmorin. The Belgian name appears as cauwoord in Lyte, 1586; 
and the Spanish name, calabassa, with slight change of spelling, has remained constant from 1561 to 1864, as has the zucca of the Italians and the kurbs of the Germans. 

The lagenaria is but rarely cultivated in the United States, except as an ornamental plant, and as such shares a place with the small hard-shelled cucurbita which are known as fancy gourds. 

In some localities, however, under the name of sugar trough gourd, a lagenaria is grown for the use of the shell of the fruit for the purposes of a pail; and what is worthy of note, this type of the fruit does not exactly appear in the drawings of the botanists of the early period, nor in the seed catalogues of Europe at the present time. 

In the Tupi Dictionary of Father Ruiz de Montaga, 1639, among the gourd names are 
"iacvi-gourd, like a great dish or bowl," which may mean this form. 

When we examine descriptions, this gourd may be perhaps recognized in Columella's account, " Sive globosi corporis, atque utero minium quae vasta tumescit," and used for storing pitch or honey; yet a reference to his prose description rather contradicts the conjecture, and leads us to believe that he only describes the necked form, and this form only seems to have been known to Palladius. 

Pliny describes two kinds, the one climbing, the other trailing.  Walafridus Strabo, in the ninth century, seems to describe the plebeia of Pliny as a curcurbita, and the cameraria as a pepo ; the former apparently a necked form, and the latter one in which the neck has mostly disappeared, leaving an oval fruit. Albertus Magnus, in the thirteenth century, describes the cucurbita as bearing its seed "in vase magno," which implies the necked form. 

The following types are illustrated in the various herbalists which I have in my library:

I. Cucurbita oblonga, Fuchs., 1542, 370. 
Cucurbita oblonga, Fuchs.
Cucurbita plebeia. Roszlin, 1550, 115. 
Cucurbita. Trag., 1552, 824. 
Cucurbita longa. Cardanus, 1556,222. 
Cucurbita. Matth., 1558, 261; Pinaeus, 1561, 190; Cam. Epit., 1586, 292. 
Cucurbita sive zuccha, omnium maxima anguina. Lob. Obs., 1576, 366; ic, 1 591, I., 644. 
Cucurbita cameraria longa. Lugd., 1587, I., 615. 
Cucurbita anguina. Ger., 1597, 777. 
Cucurbita oblonga. Matth., 1598, 392. >>>>>>>>>>
Cucurbita longior. Dod., 1616. 
Zucca. Castor Durante, 1617, 488. 
Cucurbita anguina longa. Bodaeus, 1644, 784. 
Cucurbita longo, folio molli,flore albo. J. Bauh., 165 1, II., 214; Chabr., 1673, 129. 
Courge massue tres longue. Vilm., 1883, 190. 
Club Gourd, II. r — . Ruellius frontispiece, 1536. 
Cucurbita minor. Fuch., 1542, 369. 
Cucurbita. Trag., 1552, 824; Matth., 1558, 261 ; Cam. Epit, 1586, 292. 
Cucurbita marina. Cardan, 1556,222. 
Cucurbita lagenaria. Lob. Obs., 1576, 366; ic, 1591,1., 644; Matth., 1598, 393. 
Cucurbita cameraria. Lugd., 1587, I., 615. 
Cucurbita lagenaria sylvestris. Ger., 1597 
Cucurbita prior. Dod., 1616, 668. 
Courge pelerine. Vilm., 1883, 191. 
Bottle Gourd.
 III. Cucurbita calebasse. Tourn., 17 19, t. 36. 
Courge siphon. Vilm., 1883, 190. 
Dipper Gourd. 
IV. Cucurbita major. Fuchs., 1 542, 368. 
Cucurbita cameraria. Roszlin, 15501 H5- 
Cucurbita. Tragus, 1552, 824; Matth., 1358, 261. 
Cucurbita cameraria major. Lugd., 1587, I., 616. 
Cucurbita lagenaria. Ger., 1597,777. 
Cucurbita major sessilis. Matth., 1598, 393. 
Cucurbita lagenaria rotunda. Bodaeus, 1644, 784. 
Cucurbita latior, folio molli, flore albo. J. Bauh., 165 1, 1., 215 ; Chabr., 1673, 129. 
Sugar Trough Gourd. 
V. Cucurbita. Matth., 1558, 261 ; Lugd., 1587, I., 615. 
Courge plate de corse. Vilm., 1883, 191. 

This classification, it is to be remarked, is not intended for exact synonymy, but to represent the like types of fruit-form. Within these classes there is a wide variation in size and propor-tion. Whether these lagenaria existed in the new world before the discovery by Columbus, as great an investigator as Gray considers as worthy of examination, and quotes Oviedo for the period about 1526, as noting the long and round or banded, and of all the shapes they usually have in Spain, as much used in the West Indies and Terra Firma for carrying water, and indicates that there are varieties of spontaneous growth as well as those under cultivation. 

The occurrence, however, of the so-called fancy gourds of the Cucurbita pepo species, of hard rind, of gourd shape, and often of gourd bitterness, renders difficult the identification of species through the uses. The relation of the voyage of Amerigo Vespucci,  1489, mentions the Indians of Trinidad and of the coast of Paria as carrying about their necks small dried gourds filled with the plant they are accustomed to chew, or with a certain whitish flour; but these records might as well be made from the Cucurbita pepo gourds as from the lagenaria gourds. The further mention that each woman carried a cucurbita of water might seem to refer to gourds. 

Acosta  speaks of the Indians of Peru making floats of gourds, for swimming, and says:
"There are a thousand kinds of Calebasses; some are so deformed in their bigness that of the rind cut in the  midst and cleansed, they make as it were, baskets to put in all their meat, for their dinner; of the lesser, they make vessels to eat and drink in," etc.
 Bodaeus' quotation, in Latin, reads differently in a free translation: 
"They grow in the province of Chili to a wonderful size, and are called capallas. They are of an indefinite number of kinds; some are monstrous in their immense size, and when cut open and cleaned, furnish various vessels. Of the smaller they most ingeniously make cups and saucers." 

In 1624 Bodaeus received from the West Indies some seed which bore fruit "quae humanum crassitudinem and longitudanem superaret," which fully justifies Acosta's idea of size. The Anonymous Portugal of Brasil says : "Some pompions so big that they use them for vessels to carry water, and they hold two pecks or more." 

Baro in 1647 also speaks of  "Courges and calebasses si grandes and profondes qu'elles servent comme de magazin," and Laet  mentions "Pepones tam vastae, ut Indigenae iis utantur pro vasis quibus aquam aggerunt."

 These large-sized gourds were not, however, confined to America.  Bodaeus, as we have noted, grew fruits deformed in their bigness, to use Acosta's term, from West Indian seed, and Cardanus  says he has seen gourds (for he gives a figure which is a gourd) weighing 80 and 122 lbs.; Bauhin records the club gourd as sometimes three feet long, Ray as five or six feet long, and Forskal the bottle gourd as 18 inches in diameter. 

These records of size are all, however, of a date following the discovery of America, and the seed of these large varieties might have come from American sources, as is recorded in one case by Bodaeus. 

The gourd is of old world origin, for water-flasks of the lagenaria have been found in Egyptian tombs of the twelfth dynasty, or 2200 to 2400 years B.C., and they are described by the ancient writers. That the gourd reached America at an early period, perhaps preceding the discovery, we cannot doubt, for Marcgravius notes a cucurbit with a white flower, and of lagenarian form, in Brazil in 1648; but there is not sufficient evidence, so it seems to us, to establish its appearance in America before brought by the colonists. What the calabazas were which served for water-vessels, and were apparently of considerable size, we can at present but surmise. It is possible that there are varieties of Cucurbita pepo not yet introduced to notice that would answer the conditions. It is also less possible that gourd-shaped clay vessels might have been used, and thus recorded by not over-careful narrators as gourds. 

In 1595, Mendana, on his voyage to the Solomon Islands, saw "Spanish pumpkins" at the islands of Dominica and Santa Cruz, or according to another translation, "pumpkins of Castille." It would seem by this reference that, whether the "calabaza" of the original Spanish referred to gourds or pumpkins, it did not take many years for this noticeable class of fruits to receive a wide distribution, and it might further imply that Mendana, setting forth from the western coast of America, discriminated between the American pumpkin, or pumpkin proper, and the Spanish pumpkin or gourd.