Thursday, October 23, 2014

Pumpkins!! Odd and Ends from Old Seed Catalogs

I love pumpkin pie!  Also pumpkin bread, and just plain pumpkin as a side dish.  

I have pumpkin pie for breakfast.  I think that works as I don't use much sugar, relying on stevia for the sweetness and just a little molasses to give the sweetness some depth. 

The page of pumpkins is from Everitt's 1894 catalog.  My second favorite name here is Winter Luxury.  The sort of name to make a pumpkin lover purr.

 My favorite is the Quaker Pie pumpkin. Great it would sell pumpkins really well today!

This excerpt from Currie Brothers 1906 catalog  has the Quaker Pie pumpkin, too.

On the other hand, the name Golden Oblong doesn't hack it.  

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The Granger Movement and a Selection of Odds and Ends

My area of the country has old Grange Halls everywhere. 

I pass one heading towards the We-Lik-It ice cream stand, there is one on the way to Lowe's although maybe that was sold and turned into a church, and this one is on the way to the Post Office.  The Grangers have pie sales before the holidays!  Other than that I am not really familiar with what they do nowadays.  I somehow thought of it as a 4H for adults with a social component.

I found a book from 1900 to skim that was interesting to me as it is Connecticut.  

The Connecticut Granges: An Historical Account of the Rise and Growth of the Patrons of Husbandry : Sketches of the State, Pomona, and Subordinate Granges of Connecticut, with Valuable Statistics, Notices of Prominent Members, Portraits, and Illustrations

This illustration is shown full size at the bottom of the blog. A library of Congress image originally, this version seems color enhanced and cleaned up a bit.

I found this image after I got the inaccurate idea that J.A. Everitt had something to do with the Grange movement.  I don't think he did.  The Grange movement is interesting though!  Wikipedia will get you filled in, and there is a ton of stuff on the web, both old and new, if you want more.
I had fun poking around eBay for Grange ephemera!  You could try to collect Grange ribbons; they'd make a jolly display with  pleasant feelings attached.

Search Sample:
This first one has a great lithograph, "I Feed You All".

  • The Grange Movement, 1875 | The Gilder Lehrman Institute ...
    Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History
    The Patrons of Husbandry, or the Grange, was founded in 1867 to advance methods of agriculture, as well as to promote the social and economic needs of ...
    1. The next one is from a search in BOOKS.  There are many there.

    Sunday, October 19, 2014

    Interesting Illustrations - The Farmer Feeds Us All

    The third power: farmers to the front -  self published in 

    Thursday, October 16, 2014

    Bye-bye Summer - Some OK Seed Packets

    I expected J. A. Everitt Seed Co. to have interesting seed packets since their catalog illustrations have so much personality.  This tomato packet is the only one with a bit of flare, and it isn't anything too special.  However, as fall progresses it is nice to remember the spring garden when it was full of promise and the seed packets littered the kitchen.  Not long before seed catalogs for next year arrive!

    These are all OK Seeds.  Later the packets were not marked OK.




    Tuesday, October 14, 2014

    A. I. Root's Early Thoroughbred Potato

    It appears that seedsman were allowed to preface a new variety developed and named by others with their own company name.  Perhaps I am jumping to conclusions.  It is hard to compare potato illustrations...especially when Everitt's is strangely depicted.  Is it baked (not likely)?  But the skin in curling off. Zombie potato!!

    Nice use of the ruler detail under the pedestal above...
    A. I. Root was a respected company :-)