Monday, November 6, 2017

1891 - A Recipe in Poetry for Pumpkin Pie (and a photo documentary of a pie)

I had no idea pumpkin pies have been the muse to so many poets! 

Pumpkin pie poems are coming out of the the woodwork it seems.  They each have their charm, and this one gets my applause for trying to put a recipe to verse.  

Published in Good Housekeeping, 1891.

This pumpkin was rescued  from being thrown away at school after the pumpkin season for kindergarten had ended. :-)


In the kitchen fair Phyllis, one hand 'neath her chin 

   (Her dear little chin. with the dimple nicked in,) 

And a look on her face that she means to be wise,

  Sits and ponders the question of making some pies.

“Let me see, now! " she says. “there is apple and quince; 

  There is peach, there is cherry, there's lemon and mince;
But I think," here a blush a sweet secret confessed,

  “Of them all Colin’s sure to like pumpkin the best!

And though, oh dear me, they will be lots of bother,

  I know I can make them as good as his mother!

Or, perhaps he may think mine a little the best:

  How I'll smile then and say ‘Surely Colin you jest! '

While he’ll whisper.  'T'is so,’ all unheard by the rest. 

   But before I begin, there's the pumpkin to find;

I shall be sadly misled if it's not to my mind."

  So she hastens away, like the maiden of old,

To the garden, where glimmer the great globes of gold. 

  And selects one with care—quite as large and as mellow 

As once formed the coach of the good Cinderella!

  To the kitchen then back, in delight with her prize, 

And a knife for the wand of the fairy applies, 

  When, presto! the pumpkin is soon changed into pies.


Cut the pumpkin in half, just as smooth as you can,

   And put it to bake in a clean dripping pan—

When the seeds are removed—with the skin side on top,

  In a very slow oven. ’Twill be time to stop

When you find it will scrape from the rind with a spoon,

   Like a crusty baked loaf ’twill be nicely brown soon.

Mash finely, and to one quart of pumpkin, while hot,

   Stir of butter, a quarter of a pound in the pot;

Let cool, and add to it what sugar you like;

   (Not too much or too little, a medium strike);

Then pour in a quart of milk fresh in the pan,

   ('Tis better to let it be cream if you can);

Then the yolks of four eggs, beaten well to be nice,

   With two tablespoonfuls of ginger as spice,

One of nutmeg, too. If you wish them quite comely,

   Bake in a quick oven with bottom crust only.

Of the whites of the eggs a stiff froth should now rise

   To spread over the tops. Who could wish better pies?

                                                          —Adelaide Preston  

These photos were taken to show children where pumpkin pies come from.  I should have started with a field though!

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

1899 - Hurrah! Pumpkin Pie Poems

I didn't know the song that I sang in elementary school every Thanksgiving season was a poem by Lydia Maria Child.  
And I do not think we ever sang the last two verses.  
I would have remembered "Hurrah for the pumpkin pie" !  

Both poems were in Werner's Magazine: A Magazine of Expression in 1899.

           By Lydia Maria Child.

OVER the river and through the wood
To grandfather's house we go;
The horse knows the way to carry the sleigh
Through the white and drifted snow.

Over the river and through the wood!
Oh, how the wind does blow!
It stings the toes and bites the nose
As over the ground we go.

Over the river and through the wood,
And straight through the barnyard gate,
We seem to go extremely slow;
It is so hard to wait!

Over the river and through the wood!
Now grandmother's cap I spy!

Hurrah for the fun! Is the pudding done?
Hurrah for the pumpkin pie!


WHEN melancholy days come round and leaves get brown and red;
When corn is shocked, and when you add a blanket to your bed;
When apples, pared and quartered, are set in the sun to dry;
This is the time you smack your lips and think of pumpkin pie.

This pumpkin pie's a tempting dish to almost any fellow;
So sweet and tender, luscious (yum!) and then, withal, so yellow.
You stir up eggs and milk and spice and sugar, O my eye!
And then you add the pumpkin, and that makes the pumpkin pie.

1894 - Mystery of the Huntington Seed Co. Catalogs

When I looked at my first Huntington catalogs in the Biodiversity Heritage Library I got the impression they didn't like color!  Drab, or very conservatively colored, catalogs from 1895 through 1899 were so unexpected given the other seedsmen were reveling in chromoliths.

But, it turned out the Biodiversity Heritage Library simply had an incomplete selection.  The Smithsonian Institute had a jolly colorful one.  Here are a few covers and backs of catalogs.
I think I am doing this overview in lieu of having any information about the men who ran the business!

So, first the nice colorful Smithsonian catalog from 1894.  Following are many drab little poor relatives. 

What happened after 1894!!??

Here they come.  What a let down....


No back cover.




I like this cover.  The page design gives it energy.

This is fuddy-duddy, but a sprightly paper color.

Note the transition to Huntington & Page!  Mr. Page continues to be the secretary of the company.


I looked to see if the building was still there, but no. 
There are a few that look remarkably like it down the street, but this building is gone.

Crazy perspective in this cut, but I am a sucker for any proudly presented building engraving.  Do you see how the horses are smaller than the men further away?


Oh, yuck.