When I read in this article that Miss Lippincott planned the 1897 year's mailing would be 250,000 catalogs I had to rethink the size of her business!
I need to know more about her and the mystery man, Mr. Haines. Was he a puppet master, and she the pretty face on a clever business plan? Or was she truly the "Crackerjack Entrepreneur" we are intended to believe. Enquiring minds want to know! Not to mention, snoopy minds!! to be continued....
I find her covers the sappiest of those I have seen. My Gram gave me some of her baby books and this sugary style was quite the thing at the end of the 19th century. (The artwork below was also the image on her seed packets. Landreth Seed Company's cool Newsletter mentions the Miss Lippincott was the first to produce this sort of decorative packet. The simple plain paper envelope with the name of the contents was the norm. I know which one my hand would reach for!)