It is Christmas season and I got out Gram's old black and white spotted school book to find her recipes. I made her fruitcake (which must have weighed 10 pounds and my husband and I ate it already!) and I plan to make her oatmeal cookies for New Years Day.
Anyway, while I was looking at her recipes I wondered where another pile of Grammy ephemera had gotten to. I haven't found it yet but in it is a folded and flattened envelope with her scrawl on it, filled with some mystery seeds she never identified. That must have been in my mind somewhere because later in the day I was messing around on the web and found myself chasing after seed packets and seed catalogs from my grandmother's era. Born in 1889, she passed on to me her interest in gardening, rug hooking, and saving "bit and pieces". While I don't have Gram's attic to poke around in anymore the internet makes a great substitute. I hope you have fun following me finding seed related bits and pieces as I explore Gram's world.
If you want her saved recipe, check it out here. It won 1st Prize at the County Fair it says!
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