In poking around the Hyde Hall site I found two seed receipts of Grant Thorburn and Sons that are wonderful to read. What insight into what an 1827 gardener would want for a well funded estate!!
(Hyde Hall looks to be a lovely place to visit if you are going near Cooperstown, NY.)
In the "you learn something new every day" category, I didn't know that "do" is the same as writing " for ditto. When my eye first caught it under the "White Solid Celery" it read, to me, "Red Do Da", which I found fascinating for the moment it took the clues to process. Oh well.

The following year a few more items were needed.

Now, about those feet...
"Museum Of Foreign Literature, Ac, for January -, E. Litteix, Philad.—This periodical, than which none affords more, or more varied reading, appears in an enlarged form, and henceforth will be under the direction, as to the selections, of the editor of that capital and cheap work, Waldie's Library.
There is a good plate in this number of our old friend Grant Thorburn, which, if not very like as to the fact, is unmistakeable as to the feet. The literary contents are of the best of all the foreign magazines."

Wiser to Marry than Hire a Housekeeper,
with the comment, "Do you find the feet oddly big?".I had assumed an artist had a bad day!